Wednesday, December 26, 2012

To organic or not organic that is the question?

If you are like me you want to eat healthy but need to spend a reasonable amount on food. So what do we do? There are a few answers.

1. Join a CSA (community supported agriculture), local food are less likely to have pesticides.

2. Join a co-op in your town. Organic foods are cheaper.

3.When shopping at the supermarket purchase organic on the most contaminated foods only and buy the rest regular farming. There is a group, the environmental working group (EWG) This company lists which crops have the fewest pesticides for the year.

The top ten that have the most pesticides:
1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Sweet bell peppers
4. Peaches
5. Strawberries
6. Grapes
7. Spinach
8. Lettuce
9. Cucumbers
10. Blueberries

The ten that are least contaminated:
1. Kiwi
2. Eggplant
3. Mango
4. Asparagus
5. Sweet peas
6. Cabbage
7. Avocado
8. Pineapple
9. Sweet Corn
10. Onions

Remember if you cannot buy organic apples to peel them. Wash your fruits and veggies well. Buy organics when they are on sale and freeze them for later use.

Happy Eating!!

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